Last weekend saw the first
UPfest event in Bristol hosted at the
Tobacco Factory in Southville and involved somewhere in the region of 50 artists from Bristol, the rest of England, Europe and the USA, and a very successful event it was too!
This event was a lot more stencil influenced than more of the jams I usually paint at, but i took this as a good opportunity to do something a bit different to the usual freehand Acer pieces I paint and decided to put up a street scene graphic similar to the
Stokes Croft piece i did back at the beginning of the year.
original image was taken on North Street a few days before the weekends event, the prep work done at midnight on Sat night, and the painting finished live at the UPfest on Sunday afternoon.
Great to hear that lots of canvases in the bar sold, raising lots of cash for a very worthwhile charity,
NACOA, and a special shout should go out to Steve aka
Logical1 for his time and effort in making the event happen - I didn’t see him stress once and smiled the whole way through. Good man...